Wednesday, January 23, 2008

The day I became brilliant

I've been fretting about the 5th grade tour. I wanted to have my kids present a song and dance, but I didn't think we'd have time. The kids just got back to school today, and I'll be out on Friday. They're testing all day on Tuesday, and there are some various awards assemblies here and there next week. It would be a very abbreviated time to teach a song and dance to students, somewhat because I don't know what I'm doing, but even more so because they would be resistant to the idea of singing and dancing.

I was in the middle of an e-mail to Jen, elbow deep in all these whines and whimpers, when I suddenly because brilliant. The 5th graders will sit and listen to the band play. Then they'll sit and listen to the orchestra play. Then they'll sit and listen to the choir sing. They won't get to play instruments or sing a song, they'll just see a demonstration and listen to a sales pitch for that program.

To sell the theatre program, why make the 5th graders watch others having fun? Why not do theatre exercises and games with THE 5TH GRADERS THEMSELVES?!

So that's what I'll do. The coaches have graciously agreed to babysit the fine arts students for that day, so I'll send off my students to the gym and spend 100% of my presentation time focused entirely on the incoming 5th graders. When these 5th graders go home, I'll bet they won't remember what violin concerto they heard, but they will remember being a sculpture in a garden, walking into the wrong room and losing status, and participating in a glorious broadsword battle.


At 8:51 PM, Blogger chitarita said...

Yes! Oh, glorious yes!
Although I would argue the "became" part. Amend to "The day I recovered my brilliance"?


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